Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Yesterday was an awful day. Evelynn, my daughter, and I hardly got any sleep. She is getting her 2-year-old molars and it's really messing with her, which means it's messing with me too. Every time she wakes up, I have to get up too. If she has a terrible, frustrating day, so do I. So, yesterday was awful. I got close to 4 hours of sleep (maybe less), Evelynn did nothing but cry and scream, make it close to impossible for me to do math homework, and make messes all day long. At one point, we were outside and I was on the phone. I felt something kind of tickle my thigh (it's probably worth mentioning I was wearing long, bright yellow sweat pants). So, I just shook my leg a little bit thinking it was a fly or something. It was not. All of a sudden, I felt something bite the crap out of me on the back of my thigh, just under my butt. All I could think was, SPIDER!!! We're standing in my front yard, I'm yelling on the phone to hang on or I'll just call back in a minute, I'm freaking out and that makes Evelynn freak out, and I just yank my pants down right there. It was a gigantic bee. Then I had to limp into the house while trying to get my dog and daughter to follow me. I got the stinger out of my leg, doctored it with some baking soda concoction, and put a dress on. Then I continued to fight with Evelynn until that evening when her father came home. We all went outside after he got home and my dress was scrunched up. While I tugged it down, my husband (Bobby) says, "That dress is pretty short. I'll bet the neighbors liked that." To which I replied, "Don't worry, they got a lot more of a show earlier this afternoon!"

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