Friday, October 3, 2014

Some more fifty-five fiction for tonight's post:

Malice Aforethought
By: Mike Phillips

"You stuck him good, Zack. TIght between the ribs. Beautiful." Bobby shifted, wincing as the handcuffs pinched.
"Whaddy mean, I stuck him?" grunted Zack, his knees against the cage. "I tried to stop you!"
"Why, you filthy liar-"
The officer peered into his rear-view mirror. "Hey, pal, who you talkin' to back there?"

I think this one is funny and gives a good way to plead insanity if ever I am arrested.

That Settles That
By: Terry L. Tilton

Tom was a handsome, fun-loving young man, albeit a bit drunk when he got into the argument with Sam, his roommate of just two months.
"You can't. You can not write a short story in just 55 words, you idiot!"
Sam shot him dead on the spot.
"Oh, yes you can," Sam said, smiling.

This one gets a little dark, but the little booklet I have of these stories doesn't have much to offer.

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